Who Is Tuesday’s Children?

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Linda McQuinn Carlblom is a wife, mom of three children, and Grammy to six grandchildren. She loves writing for children and young adults. She teaches the young adult Sunday school class at her church in Tempe, AZ and is involved in children’s ministry there. After God, her top three loves are: family, reading, and cheesecake. Visit her at http://www.wix.com/llcarlblom/KidsBelieve or at her Parenting with a Smile blog, http://www.lindamcquinncarlblom.blogspot.com/




Andrea R Huelsenbeck



Andrea R Huelsenbeck is a wife, a mother of five and a former elementary general music teacher. A freelance writer in the 1990s, her nonfiction articles and book reviews appeared in Raising Arizona Kids, Christian Library Journal, and other publications. She is currently working on a young adult mystical fantasy novel and writing the blog ARHtistic License.



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Betty Mason Arthurs



Betty Mason Arthurs is a wife, mother, grandmother of seven. A member of Tuesday’s Children for over 20 years, she is a non-fiction author who has turned to novel writing, drawing from her memories of nursing school in the 1960s. She loves the Lord Jesus and never takes things too seriously, due to her wry sense of humor.



Allison Boley, Administrator

Allison Boley, Administrator

Allison Boley, Webmaster. Allison writes mysteries, winning semifinalist honors for her House spec script in the Scriptapalooza TV International Television Writing competition. She is presently furthering her love of all things mysterious by pursuing a Ph.D. in physics at Arizona State University and enjoys serving Tuesday’s Children in all things technological.

Allison recently released Fun Math at the Ballpark, an iPhone and iPad app designed to make math fun for kids and their parents. Her other passion is playing drums in her church’s worship band.


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